Cronometer Blog

App Updates, Nutrition Tips & Inspiration
GLP-1 image

GLP-1 Drugs: How Cronometer Can Help

GLP-1 agonists are a class of medications, such as Ozempic, that mainly help manage blood sugar levels in people with Type 2 diabetes. Some GLP-1 agonists can also


9 Tips For Achieving Long-Term Weight Loss

Key Factors In Achieving Sustainable Weight Loss Embarking on a journey towards sustainable weight loss is a life-long commitment to a healthier, happier you. While


How Fast Should I Lose Weight?

Impacts Of Losing Weight Quick vs. Slow Embarking on a weight loss journey can be a challenging yet rewarding experience. One of the most common

Weight Loss

Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss

guest post by registered dietitian, susan macfarlane Fasting has been an integral part of many different religions for centuries. Fasting has gained popularity more recently

Weight Loss

Why is my weight plateauing?

guest post by susan macfarlane, registered dietitian nutritionist As a Registered Dietitian specializing in weight loss and bariatric nutrition, a week doesn’t go by where

Siphiwe Baleka
Weight Loss

Helping Truckers Lose Weight With Cronometer

guest post from siphiwe baleka, founder of fitness trucking Fitness Trucking was founded in order to revolutionize the transportation industry by creating a culture of

Weight Loss

Six Tips for Successful Weight-Loss Tracking

guest post from susan macfarlane, registered dietitian nutritionist If you’ve ever tried to lose weight in the past, it’s likely you’ve heard the old adage

Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight With Cronometer

Losing Weight With Cronometer If you’re looking to drop a couple or several pounds, you’ve come to the right place! Losing weight is straight-forward with