Cronometer Blog

App Updates, Nutrition Tips & Inspiration

Recipe Round Up: Breakfast

Dear Breakfast, How do we love thee? Let us count the ways. We love how multifaceted you are. There are endless taste possibilities to explore;


Recipe Round Up: At a Picnic

Summer temps and sunshine have us breaking out the shorts and dreaming about lazy Sunday afternoons spent with friends at a picnic. Not sure what


Recipe Round Up: Muffins

Muffin compares to a recipe round up for… Brussel sprouts.Nah, just kidding! This week we are featuring muffins in all their glory; moist, pre-proportioned, delicious.


Recipe Round Up: Sushi

Wow, we sincerely apologize to all our blog users for totally missing the boat and not catching on that we have yet to provide you


Recipe Round Up: Wraps

Vegan Vegan’s rejoice! This Crunchwrap Supreme is absolutely loaded with flavour, abundant with micronutrients and has an oh-so satisfying crunch. View this post on Instagram


Recipe Round Up: Pie

You might be wondering how we decide what food to feature every week. Sometimes we use #science and search trends for popular trending recipes… and


Recipe Round Up: Ice Cream

I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream! The spring sunshine has got us all dreaming of summer days – so much so


Recipe Round Up: Soup

Soup’s on this week at Cronometer HQ! Spring is right around the corner so we figured to honour winter we would give you one last