2 mins read

An Interview With Fitness & Nutrition Coach, Elizabeth

If you can’t tell by the mega watt smile all over her Instagram page, Elizabeth is a vibrant ball of sunshine and energy! Her feed is filled with photos that capture her enthusiasm for healthy living and the captions are filled with helpful information on fitness and nutrition. If you need a motivation boost give her a follow. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a coach send her a message – she is someone you want on your side! Read on to get to know her moderation-is-key-coaching style.

How Did You Learn About Cronometer?

I was listening to a podcast about a year ago, and one of my favorite researchers in female physiology and nutrition, Dr Stacy Sims, recommended Cronometer and that was it for me!

What Is Your Favourite Cronometer Feature?

Whether your goal is to lose, maintain or gain, I believe in everything in moderation, and approaching nutrition from a full spectrum of foods and nutrients. Focusing on not only the quantity of food, but the quality not only supports your body with more energy, a sense of satiety, but it also promotes a healthy gut and body long term. 

With Cronometer, I love that there is such a focus on not only macros but micronutrients. It’s such a healthy-minded approach!

What Is Your Coaching Philosophy?

Empathy, education, empowerment. I strive to deliver coaching through an empathetic, habits-based approach, to gain the trust of my clients to help lead them to hit their goals and lead vibrant lives. My goal is to empower clients with knowledge, to help them understand not only the what but the why, from nutrition to fitness, because with knowledge comes power! And confidence is derived from a sense of autonomy, so my goal is to lead each client to discoveries about themselves, and with so much understanding and ownership over their fitness and nutrition that eventually they eventually feel empowered to continue on their own for the rest of their life!

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