1 min read

Saving Time Using Cronometer With Ketogenic Chef, Patty

Patty is a Ketogenic Chef and Food Coach and as per most of our Feature Friday users, we found her on Instagram.

How Did You Learn About Cronometer?

I started my Ketogains Bootcamp and it’s the suggested app for tracking there. I never looked back! The fact that it uses the databases it does and the entries made by users need to be approved was all I needed!

What Is Your Favorite Cronometer Feature?

Honestly, the recipe feature. I track daily so the fact that I can save the recipes and just change the amounts used quickly helps a lot by saving lots of time!

Tell Us About Your Diet!

I do a high protein keto diet. Having an app that can track my macros so easily saves so much time!

Thank you so much for sharing your story!

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