2 mins read

An Interview With Keto Lifestyle Coach, Monica

We love getting to know the awesome people that use our app on a more personal level, it’s what makes Cronometer’s world go ’round! We got to meet this woman in person at KetoCon.

Monica is full of energy and passion and wants her clients to have the same amazing success she did (she lost more than 100 pounds and walks her talk daily). 

She cares about bringing her best self to her clients and has helped people lose thousands of pounds through her coaching platform! Want to get to know this phenomenal woman? Read on.

How Did You Learn About Cronometer?

Cronometer. What can I say about it.  When I learned about Cronometer I tried to walk really fast past the Cronometer vendor at a conference because I was already a fan of another company. I didn’t think I needed help.  For some reason I slowed down and thought.  “Well, I’m gonna tell them WHY I don’t need them.”  

That was the beginning of the end for the other company.  When I learned about the “officialness” of the items in the food logs and how “unofficial” the other companies were I started thinking about the benefits to my clients. Then it happened.

These girls told me about Cronometer Pro and how I would no longer have a physical reaction every night that my clients texted me screenshots of their macros.  I’ll never forget that feeling.  I was never off duty. I could literally in my own time go into my back office and give them feedback. I could make my own metrics and ask them how their day went.  It was a game changer and they had me at hello!

Tell Us About Yourself!

My name is Monica Boyer.  I am a Ketogenic Lifestyle coach who has personally lost over 100 lbs and kept it off for over a year and a half.

My passion is coaching women. You see, we have put ourselves on the back burner for too long and it is time we reclaim our identity.  I walk with my clients for 7 weeks, taking them from ZERO to KETO. We work on body, mind and spirit. Whole health.  My goal is to create a lifetime change and reject the diet culture. I’ve coached over 300 women who have lost over 5,000 lbs.  My passion is to watch the transforming power of health help people start living again.

Want to work with Monica? You can find her at www.ketomomcoaching.com

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