1 min read

Feature Friday: Okanagan Nutrition

Meet Haeli!

It was pretty neat when we realized there was a Registered Dietician using Cronometer so close to our head office in Revelstoke! Only a few short hours away, located in the Okanagan, Haeli runs a plant-based dietician practice and teaches others how to take plant-based eating to the next level with her online e-courses!

How did you learn about Cronometer?

I learned about Cronometer from another dietitian! 

What is your favourite feature?

I love that I can use it to either input a days worth of meals or asses the nutrient content of my plant-based recipes for micronutrients like iron, zinc, calcium and omega-3.

Tell us about Okanagan Nutrition!

I am a vegan Registered Dietitian that specializes in plant-based nutrition and lifestyle! I work with clients 1:1 and have also created online courses covering plant-based eating A to Z across the lifespan. Cronometer is a great tool for those starting out with plant-based eating to see where they’re getting some of those micronutrients that we tend to focus a bit more on on a plant-based diet!

Contact Haeli

For more information, or to work with Haeli, check her out on Instagram @okanagannutrition or click here to access her website!

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