1 min read

Feature Friday: @steven.duckwiler

How did you learn about Cronometer?

I learned about Cronometer through a YouTube video I watched a while back on micronutrients. 

What is your favourite feature?

The micronutrient feature is my favorite as most calorie tracking apps don’t allow that for free.

Tell us about your diet!

My diet consists of calorie counting I aim for about .8-.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight. I eat mostly clean as my diet during weekdays is the same every week typically consisting of oats, Greek yogurt, chicken or fish, and lots of fruits and vegetables. Following my final season of High School football I lost 95 pounds – my whole story is on my YouTube channel, Duck Fitness –  and I began powerlifting and personal training which has included an NFL athlete and numerous collegiate athletes. I will earn my B.S. in Kinesiology by 2021!

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, Steven!

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