meals & recipes

Your go-to dishes at the ready

View detailed nutrition information on your meals and recipes and log them to your Diary in a flash.

A man and a boy are in the kitchen, the man is holding a bowl of flour.

A nourishing approach to home cooking

Custom Meals and Recipes will help you...

quick and easy

Log meals, effortlessly

Bundle your go-to food entries into meals, enabling you to log frequently eaten foods faster and with greater accuracy.

A food entry from Cronometer with a bowl of oats, blueberries and bananas in the background.

Cook, optimally

Fine tune your home-cooked recipes to better align with your individual needs.

A man with a white beard and mustache is cutting food on a plate.

Analyze recipes

Enjoy your home-made creations and do so knowing exactly which nutrients they provide.

A nutrition overview screen from Cronometer with a picture of a plate of food.

Gold feature

Recipe Importer

Import online recipes in a flash!

A woman in a kitchen holding a cell phone.