1. What kind of diet do you follow? Why?
I’m vegetarian (vegan at home); I do it to for personal ethical reasons; as a result of modern food technology it’s easy to access alternatives to meat. My secondary reason is to reduce impact on the environment.
2. What are the trials and tribulations of following this diet?
Honestly, it’s pretty easy to be vegetarian once you get used to it. I like to work out so making sure I’m getting enough protein requires some tracking, but it’s much easier than most people think. Also making sure you get all the correct micronutrients – I use Cronometer for both of those. I loved the taste of meat when I was eating it so the smell of bacon when I’m hungry is a bit of a test.
3. What do you love about it? AND/OR Have you achieved your desired results?
I love that I’ve discovered a bunch of exciting new recipes, it’s all too easy when you’re eating meat to chuck a hunk of meat on the plate and call it done. Since I’ve gone vegetarian/semi-vegan, I’ve had to be a lot more creative with my cooking. Also, just the warm fuzzies from knowing I’m minimizing my contribution to animal suffering.