Cronometer Blog

App Updates, Nutrition Tips & Inspiration

Improving Sleep Quality: What To Avoid

Which Foods Hinder Your Ability To Sleep? from the registered dietitians at feastgood. You may have heard that certain nutrients can impact sleep. But does


Ways To Boost Your Immune System

Since it’s flu season – and most of us at the office are feeling it – we thought we’d shine a light on how you


Mastering Diabetes with Cronometer

If you’ve ever been curious about diabetes, or how you can leverage Cronometer to help manage your condition, you’ve come to the right place! Listen


A Look Into Sugar-Free Sensitivities

Isn’t it great that we’ve now come into a world where we can enjoy our guilty pleasure snacks, guilt-free? Many products these days are touting


Digest This: Tracking Fiber In Cronometer

Making sure you’re getting enough fiber in your diet can help ease digestion and even appears to lower the risk of developing certain conditions such