Cronometer Blog

App Updates, Nutrition Tips & Inspiration
App Updates

Keto-Mojo Now Syncs with Cronometer

Keto-Mojo + Cronometer Get to know Keto-Mojo Keto-Mojo is an independently owned, Napa Valley-based company that was founded on the principle of making the ketogenic

App Updates

New Feature: Nutrition Scores

Nutrition Scores – Newest Gold Feature We are so excited to unveil our latest Gold Subscription feature — Nutrition Scores!  That’s right, we’re giving you even

App Updates

How To Use & Leverage Charts

How To Leverage Charts In Cronometer Our Charts feature can be incredibly valuable for when you want to take a look at your data or

App Updates

End of Social Login

You might have noticed that with the new look of the app the ability to login through social channels is gone. We know it might