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Recipe Round Up: At a Picnic

Summer temps and sunshine have us breaking out the shorts and dreaming about lazy Sunday afternoons spent with friends at a picnic. Not sure what to bring? Check out this week’s edition of the Recipe Round Up for plaid blanket approved options.


Sure to be a crowd pleasure for most keto lovers these Crispy Grilled Butter Chicken Hot Wings will add spice to any picnic!


If you only have 15 minutes… and a bunch of chickpeas… this is the summer picnic recipe for you! Best of all, in the unlikely event that there are leftovers this recipe keeps for days making it a must-make at least once this summer.


Is a picnic even a picnic without dessert? No. We didn’t think so… which is why are all over this Vegan No-Bake Beetroot, Orange and Chocolate Tart.

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No-Bake Beetroot, orange, and chocolate tart (GF& Vegan) . Who is up for a slice?😉💗 . Recipe: 20cm (8”) tart tin with removable bottom ■Base (Dry) 50 g gluten free oats 90 g raw almonds (preferably activated) 2 Tbsp. sunflower seeds 2 Tbsp. raw cacao powder 1/8 tsp pink salt (Wet) 5 pitted soft Medjool dates (100g) 2 Tbsp. melted cacao butter ■Chocolate layer: 100g raw cashews (soaked 4-6 hours and rinsed) 1/2 cup (120ml) coconut cream 3 Tbsp. melted raw cacao butter 3-4 Tbsp. maple syrup 2 Tbsp. + 2 tsp raw cacao powder 1/8 tsp pink salt . ■Beetroot & Orange layer: 100g raw cashews (soaked 4-6 hours and rinsed) 1/4 cup (60ml) coconut cream 1/4 cup (60ml) fresh orange juice 4 Tbsp. maple syrup 3 Tbsp. melted raw cacao butter 2 Tbsp. fresh beetroot juice (I juiced beetroot stems) 1 Tbsp. lemon juice Pinch of pink salt . ■Method: 1. Place every dry ingredient for the base in a food processor. Process well until it reaches the consistency of flour. 2. Add every wet ingredient into the food processor and process until combined well. 3. Press the mixture against the sides and the bottom of the tart tin. 4. Put every ingredient for the chocolate layer in a high-speed blender and blend well. Layer it over the base and freeze it until set. 5. Repeat the same process for the beetroot & orange layer. Freeze it over night. 6. Take out the cake from the tin and garnish with your choice of fruit. . No-Bake ビーツ・オレンジ・チョコレートタルト . 先月投稿したホールケーキのカット版。ビーツの茎をジューサーで絞りオレンジ汁と合わせてフィリングにしました。チョコレートの層はカカオ濃いめ甘さ控え目。 . 夫の好きなレシピで、毎回「これ好き」と言いながら食べていました😊家族に喜んでもらえるのが一番の幸せですね! . 先週までとても暖かかったのに、今週はいきなり真冬並みの気温🥶今日もヒートテック二枚重ねで出かけて来ました。メルボルンに来てちょうど今日で4年目。寒いのは苦手ですが、いつまでここに住めるのかわからないのでメルボルンの冬を満喫したいと思います!

A post shared by Minako Umehara 🌱Vegan Recipes (@365cleaneats) on May 30, 2019 at 2:24am PDT


If dessert is essential… then lemonade is essentialer. This Peach Strawberry Lemonade will quench your thirst and cool you right down on those hot summer days.

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