Cronometer Blog

App Updates, Nutrition Tips & Inspiration
App Updates & Features

Meet Gigi: Know Yourself Ambassador

We’re on a mission to get more people in tune with their bodies. Why? Because when you know what you need to feel your best,


Meet Gayle: Know Yourself Ambassador

We’re on a mission to get more people in tune with their bodies. Why? Because when you know what you need to feel your best,

User Stories

Losing 95lbs With Cronometer User, Steven

Steven, or @steven.duckwiler has inspired us at Cronometer by losing a whopping 95 pounds and totally transforming his lifestyle.  How Did You Learn About Cronometer?

User Stories

An Interview With Keto User, Sam

We met Sam of @coupleofketos through Instagram and were floored at his transformation! Sam shares his and his wife’s journey on the ketogenic diet and

User Stories

An Interview With Power User, Nick Hiebert

We first had a conversation with Nick on Twitter, @the_nutrivore, when his customization of Cronometer caught our eye; he changed the Diary Header to only

User Stories

Feature Friday: Powerlifter Daniele Pauli

As word about Cronometer is getting out we are seeing so many people using the app for different purposes; weight loss, managing diabetes, monitoring the

User Stories

Feature Friday: @mindfuldiabeticrobby

Meet the man behind @mindfuldiabeticrobby, who’s on a mission to reverse type 1 diabetes. He’s the co-author of the New York Times bestselling book, Mastering